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Pronunciation Variations

The SGDS recorded wide pronunciation of 'lòineag', though there are  elements common to most of them.

On the adjacent map, pronunciation has been  been reduced to seven types, represented in English phonetics as shown on the legend.  It is acknowledged that these are over-simpifications, there being wide variations within most of the categories, such as follows:

Lo:nak: in a few cases, the initial 'L' is represented by  'r'. These are included in 'Others'.

Lo:mak:  only 3 cases, in Glenelg, Invernessshire.



The 'naoƔ' pronunciation of 9 is found mainly on either side of the Minch, though not south of Benbecula, but was also recorded in Speyside. Between that group and the ' naoi' group, there is an intermediate group, where there is considerable variation of the end of the word, e.g. in the Loch Ness area, near Inverness, 'naoing' was found.



Move the cursor onto the map to see the second word: click and hold to see the third word

lòineag/ naoi



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