The SGDS shows that there are a great many pronunciations of 'feadhainn' (some (people)) On the two maps in this section, these have been broken into four categories, relating to the pronunciation of the two syllables.
First syllable: either 'fe', or 'fj' (as in fjord).
Second syllable: either Ɣ(written 'dh'/'gh' in Gaelic, pronounced as a voiced 'ch', as in 'loch'), or approximating to 'w' (as in the name 'Euan').
These can be seen by moving the cursor onto the map as follows:
Blue square constant: - 'feƔin' e.g. Lewis
Red circle constant: - 'fyeoin' e.g. Skye
Blue square to red circle: - 'feoin' e.g. Ardnamurchan
Red circle to blue square: - fyeƔin' e.g. North Sutherland
In the third map, the locating spots have been enlarged and given different colours forming coloured zones so that the main areas of use can be easily recognised. It can be seen that in some areas, there are complex overlaps.
Move the cursor onto the map to see the second word: click and hold to see the third word